How To Use Your Powers For Good!

The Philosopher's Room
11 min readJun 8, 2021


Easiest Guide to Understanding & Harnessing the Magic of Manifestation

What Is Manifesting & How Does It Actually Work?

Manifesting is simply about being the creator of your reality. For so long, society has lived in a circumstantial mindset; whatever “social class” a person was categorized in, defined who they were and what they believed. Our beliefs and knowledge control what we do with our lives and how we value our time throughout life, but our lack of knowledge and lack of beliefs are just as impactful. Understanding all aspects of our human existence means exploring the realms of our inner and outer worlds and using the principles of creation to intentionally manifest our realities. Without knowledge of spiritual culture and our connections to the Universe and Earth, it’s difficult to understand the energy that we are, and how to use it to your benefit.

Manifesting 101: You attract what you are, and you are what you attract!

Our conscious minds are so vast; they can compact hundreds of thoughts at the speed of light. In order to focus on the present moment, we tend to filter out our thoughts through our feelings & emotions, allowing the subconscious mind to decide what the mind will focus on. The subconscious thoughts are like a cocktail of your beliefs, feelings, and memories, steering you into a certain outcome you believe to be fit. For example, if you are around things that bring you pain, your psyche will subconsciously think pain, and you will receive just that by expecting it.

Whatever your heart believes to be true, your mind will follow; and what consumes your mind…you attract. It’s important to learn from your past to detect how your memories are directing your decisions in your present life.

Don’t waste any more time manifesting MORE negativity into your life!

Experiencing emotional and physical traumas and living in negative circumstances is what leads us to our negative subconscious thoughts and beliefs. Transform your negative beliefs by becoming more aware of them so you can consciously invite more positivity into your reality with positive thoughts. Once you feel the power within your thoughts and your connections to your surroundings, you’ll see that there is magic all around you and within you.

Changing your mind is a challenge, but it can always be done. Seek professional therapeutic guidance if you find these negative thoughts overbearing or unmanageable. Emotional healing is vital to having a clear mind, and having a clear mind is vital for creating a vision that you’d like to manifest into your life. Otherwise, you will continue to invite and attract the negativity that your subconscious mind is already accustomed to. When a manifestation comes into fruition, it’s your job to recognize it and how it’s shown up in your life.

There Are Different Ways To Manifest. Which Works Best For You?

We all have different perceptions of our reality and absorb information differently. Some may have a wild imagination while others are more analytical. Manifestation is a universal birthright, so there are a few angles to consider when intentionally manifesting things into your life. There is no right, wrong, or better way; the goal is to create your reality through your true desires. Let’s observe these different forms of this powerful phenomenon, shall we?

Manifesting with Mental Visualization — a simple practice of mental imagining with a particular focus on imagery. It’s a mental experience that resembles the visual experience, allowing you to consciously create mental images that feel realistic to your unconscious mind.

All you’ll need in order to visualize your life into reality is creativity, concentration, and your five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell). Despite what your life’s circumstances are, you can attract whatever it is you believe to be true if you can see it in your mind first. In order for your mind to connect your imagination with your body, you’ll have to slow your thoughts down. This can be done in a few ways, the most practical being meditation, hypnosis, and/or journaling.


The goal of meditation is to gain awareness of the mind by letting go or balancing between the mind and body. In order to visualize during a meditation session, you must slow your thinking down with a step by step process to lead your body to rely on the mind. (In your everyday waking life your mind is relying on the body.) You’ll want to begin with how you feel first, then ease into what that version of you would like to experience. Guided meditations are a great tool for anyone who may find it hard to concentrate; otherwise these frequencies are for channeling positive thoughts during your meditation process:

  • 417 HZ- eases and initiates change.
  • 741 HZ- is for finding creative expressions & solutions
  • 963HZ- is considered to be the God frequency, which creates room for oneness


Just like in meditation, hypnosis takes a step-by-step process in order to reach a specific mental state you need in order to create. Hypnosis is more focused on the subconscious mind as it may be necessary to reprogram your subconscious thoughts and transform them into something you’d prefer to experience. This process enhances your ability to respond to suggestions, hence you can convince your mind what to experience and what you’d like to stop experiencing. The goal is to reach your theta brain wave state which is your most lucid state of mind. It’s like being half-awake and half-asleep. Try prerecorded hypnosis or seek a professional hypnotherapist.


Writing in a journal is a great tool because you can do it anywhere and at any time. You’ll be expressing the life or experiences you want in full detail as you would in meditation, writing just allows you to bring your intangible thoughts into reality. Essentially you are slowing your mind down by writing your thoughts down one by one. The difference between emotional journaling and manifesting is that when writing with the intentions of creation, it’s important to write in the present tense; “I am”, “I have”, “I can” and showing gratitude in the present tense will give your mind the sense accomplishment and worthiness. Once you’ve declared your thoughts out into reality that’s your first step of experiencing it, the second would be to step into that reality.

*Read our “Stress Free Growth” article for more guidance.

Manifesting with Magic- the power of influencing the course of events by using supernatural powers and elemental properties.

The word magic has a stigma surrounding fear, or fictional ideas learned from entertainment depictions, as well as religious beliefs that make this a controversial topic. But in fact, the concept of magic is your birthright as a human being. Similar to alchemy, magic requires elemental properties of both physical and metaphysical energies.

Magic is a great way to focus on manifesting changes from within and balancing your emotions. It’s also a powerful approach to attracting things to you. Magic is like a language, a combination of the right ingredients to create something meaningful.

Spiritually, our bodies and minds are associated with the spiritual elements of other earthly matters; and when used properly, we benefit in multiple ways from healing sickness, attracting abundance, and protection. Its many interpretations have been practiced by different cultures for centuries, all with an understanding of the cause and effect of manipulation of the elements. Here are three simple earthly materials that can be used to harness and manipulate energy along with the power and energy of your mind & body.


Best for manifesting?

Citrine- When it comes to manifesting, citrine should be the first crystal to come to mind. It helps with abundance and achieving your goals. It’ll help spark your imagination and strengthen your will.

Pyrite- This is a favorite here in the philosopher’s room. It’s a powerful crystal for manifestation, especially with regard to wealth and prosperity.

Tigers Eye- Known as the “All-Seeing, All-Knowing Eye”. It will enhance courage, attract wealth, and bring good luck.


Best for manifesting?

  • Cinnamon- This spice wards off negative emotions and offers protection during times of discomfort. *Magical uses- power, passion, luck, success, strength, prosperity, and money drawing.
  • Rosemary-This herb is an important old-world magical herb to ensure success in love. *Magical uses-strength, protection, clarity, love.
  • Allspice- This spice provides added determination and energy to your intentions. *Magical uses- luck, money, healing.

Candle work

Best for manifesting?

Green: money, good luck, success, prosperity

White: new beginnings, harmony, truth, peace

Purple: opening the third eye. wisdom, divination

A combination of all three of these types of magic is very powerful and highly recommended.

Manifesting with Alchemy- a metaphysical science that connects the elements of natural matter (our bodies and earth) with the elements of our spiritual and energetic matters (the Universe and solar system) with the goal of changing or transforming something into a higher form.

When thinking alchemically, you’ll find that the elements that make up our human minds and body’s systems are replications of the systems above in the stars. The four elements (earth, air, water, and fire) are the foundations of our entire existence. Within our organs, environment, and solar system are unique combinations of the elements that create the functionality of these systems and the evolution that follows.

To manifest things into your life through alchemy, there is a 7-stage system, using the elements needed to transform or trans mutate something into its highest form, whether it be physical or metaphysical. (Click here to learn more about The 7 stages, originally posted on There are different facets of alchemy to apply to manifestation, the most relevant being physical, mental, and spiritual; and when applied simultaneously, you can transform yourself and your environment into its highest potential.

Physical Alchemy

Physical alchemy is all about the practical, in-the-laboratory elements of alchemy; the most important experiment being transforming base metals into higher metals (lead into gold). But as for your human life, physical alchemy can look like transforming your environments whether that be your internal/external body or your physical surroundings.

Spiritual Alchemy

Spiritual alchemy is rooted in the transformation of the spirit and soul; these are considered to be two different aspects of your life. In alchemy, the spirit is constantly striving toward betterment, while one’s soul seeks contentment in the moment. These opposing elemental forces must be combined in order to be transformed into its highest “golden self”. This is the most pivotal stage of your alchemical transformation.

Mental Alchemy

In order for the transformation to be lasting, change must occur in the mind. This is about transforming your identity, and ultimately realizing that the identity (or ego) is unknowable. Mental alchemy is deeply linked to Carl Jung’s psychoanalysis of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind limits your understanding of self and builds a metaphorical box around your free-thinking mind.

The end of the seven stages of transformation is the moment when all the elements and levels of your reality (physical, spiritual, and mental) become one; allowing you to become a natural receiver for the universe and it’s gifts.

Manifesting with Quantum Physics- the fundamental theory that describes the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles; providing an accurate description and outcome of creation from the mind.

Everything about our existence is energy being manipulated by energy. The same way energy is transferred from one entity to another, such as radiation or electricity, energy flows from our human bodies and transfers into our outer world and Universe. In science, this is called cause and effect but in our human experience, we call this: laws of attraction. The philosophy of laws of attraction means you attract positivity with positive thoughts and negativity with negative thoughts.

In the early years of physics, the world was divided into matter and thought, and then later, matter and energy. Each member of these two entities was considered to be entirely separate from one another. It was a common belief that reality was predetermined and there was little change people could do through their actions let alone their thoughts. Today, physicists are confident in our current understanding that we are part of a vast, invisible field of energy, which contains all possible realities that reflect and respond to our thoughts and feelings.

Just as science explores the relationship between thought and matter, as a human being, you could benefit greatly if you did the same with your own life. Using your mind to create your reality is the exact definition of manifestation.

An infinite spectrum of images ranging from positive to negative can flow through the mind in lightening time; the way to control this delicate system is with the other part of your human-ness…your body. Think of your body as a compass, steering and directing your thoughts with your feelings. Your chakras would be the elements used in this option. Here is what you’ll need to know about chakras for manifestation.

The Chakras of Matter: The first three chakras starting at the base of the spine are chakras of matter, they are more physical in nature.

First Chakra: The Root is the chakra of stability, security, our basic needs. When open, we feel safe and fearless.

Second Chakra: The Sacral is the chakra of our creativity and sexual center.

Third Chakra: The Solar Plexus is the chakra of our sense of personal power

The Fourth Chakra: The Connection between Matter and Spirit

The Heart Chakra, is the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. It serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The Heart chakra is our source of love and connection.

The Chakras of Spirit: The energies of our internal world

Fifth Chakra: The Throat is our source for verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth.

Sixth Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra is our center of intuition.

Seventh Chakra: The Crown is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to your higher self

When all connected, you are activating the spirit of kundalini, thus connecting all your selves together to become one. When your body is fully connected to the mind, your quantum mind will attract whatever it is you see to be fit for your reality.

Originally published at on June 8, 2021.



The Philosopher's Room
The Philosopher's Room

Written by The Philosopher's Room


In the Philosophers Room, we dig deep into the natures of our human experience to gain more conscious awareness. With this, we invite MORE love into our lives.

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